Recognising the value of employees

Employees are one of the greatest assets of any business.
On Friday 4 March 2022, it’s National Employee Appreciation Day which gives us all the opportunity to recognise the achievements of our own employees and colleagues.
It is well known that recognising a job well done and showing appreciation for hard work is one of the best ways to lift motivation. An employee may contribute to a company through meeting a milestone, showing exceptional commitment or keeping operations running smoothly in the background. By showing you value your employees’ efforts whether individually or as part of a team not only acknowledges their successes but leads to a sense of belonging and being needed within the company. Simply rewarding employees increases employee job satisfaction.
For employee recognition, there is no one size fits all gift which is why gift cards can be the best option for any company’s rewards program. Our eGift it card provides you with the ideal solution as you reward, motivate and engage your employees using one digital gift card. It’s the card of choice letting your employee choose which gift card they’d like from our wide range of branded gift cards.
All you need to do is schedule delivery of the eGift it card to one or many employees and wait for their appreciation of your thoughtfulness. It’s a simple, convenient and environmentally friendly way of recognising your employees.
So whether you want to congratulate a team or thank an individual, we can help you with your employee rewards program. Head over to our website specially designed for businesses https://business.egiftit.com.au/