Gift Card Details
Choose from over 800,000 hotels in Australia or around the world including all of the world’s most trusted hotel brands such as Hilton, Grand Hyatt, Sofitel and Marriot. Search, browse, book and pay online with The Hotel Card. Easy to use, no hidden fees and best of all it's valid for five years.
Redemption: Online only via www.thehotelcard.com.au
Expiry: 5 years
Terms & Conditions: Terms & Conditions
We're changing the way you send and receive digital gift cards! Check out our range of personalisation options below and send the ultimate digital gift experience. Your digital gift will be sent directly to the recipient's phone and email. It's the no-plastic gift of choice! Need to schedule this gift delivery in advance? Make your purchase now and we'll deliver the digital gift on any date you choose.
eGift Card purchases are final. Cancellations/refunds cannot be provided for mistakes or change of mind.
Add Wrapper
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Choose from our range of wrapping designs and give your loved one the ultimate ‘unwrapping’ experience.

Add Greetings Card
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Select the occasion, pick a greetings card and type your personal message.

Add Music
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No digital experience is complete without music. Choose your favourite from a range of tunes to add to your digital gift.
Add Animation
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Choose a fun animation to be shown at the beginning of the digital gift experience!